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  • Jason Shin

Why we need to pay more attention to healthy outlets for students

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

Artwork by Yujin Suh

Academic pressure, stress, and a desire to metaphorically “burn down your school building,” are all common experiences that many students undergo on a daily basis. The same anxiety, from receiving your math test score in fifth grade, to the tenth grade, has persisted throughout the entire academic journey of many. However, it is only during highschool that math scores actually have a stronger hold on your identity and mental health. Especially as we’re told that our performance in highschool determines our place in college, which determines our place in our world, the pressure that students feel during highschool is indescribable. This is why it is more than important to have a healthy way of counteracting this harm. The answer? A healthy-coping mechanism.

A healthy-coping mechanism can come in the form of many ways. Oftentimes, it stems from a healthy passion or hobby that distracts you from what’s stressing you out the most. This can be in the form of sports, arts, etc—just as long as it doesn’t interfere with your life in a negative way. For example, while playing tennis as a hobby might be a good coping mechanism, scrolling through Tiktok might not be, as it usually leads to addiction and time wasted. Conversely, if tennis—or any other perceivably “healthy” coping mechanism—starts to consume your life and affect it negatively, it might not be a good coping mechanism.

It is important to find your coping mechanism, or a mechanism that works for you. In the previous paragraph, this was discovered through a common passion or hobby; for example, if I had an interest in art, sketching could be a healthy outlet. But coping mechanisms are not limited to passion projects in life: there are other ways of discovering them as well. Another healthy way of coping positively can be through trying out new things. For instance, take a day to do something that you have never done before. Or maybe try watching a new TV show, practicing a random skill, or even go out exploring outside of your home. As much as it is important to look inwards in life for a positive coping experience, it is also important to search for meaning outwards as well.

Coping-mechanisms are very individualized. In the army, Navy Seals are trained to follow a specific breathing framework as their way of coping through difficult situations. In my school, counselors stress the importance of taking regular breaks and engaging in creative activities. There are a wide-range of ways you could cope mentally. And while that may seem overwhelming, it is also a positive sign that there are just as many ways that you can make your life more happier, than there are to make it worse.

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