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  • Jina MacNeill

Unlocking Success: The Crucial Role of Student-Teacher Relationships

In the world of education, the importance of building strong relationships with teachers

cannot be overstated. This simple yet profound truth directly influences a student's grade and correspondingly impacts their mental health. There is undeniable significance of supportingconnections with teachers which is supported by engrossing surveys and research. All outcomes ultimately reveal the profound benefits of creating a relationship that teachers bestown upon a student’s academic performance and overall well-being.

The impact of student teacher relationships on academic performance has always been

far-reaching and incredibly significant towards students. Numerous studies have

demonstrated that the quality of student-teacher relationships almost always influences academic performance and successes. Research by Dr. Catherine Vanner states that “positive student relationships (good rapport) are fundamental to success.” Furthermore, she affirms that “the attitude of the educator towards a student is a major influencing factor to the teacher-student relationship.” When students feel as though they are shielded and aided, it ultimately impacts their engagement with learning which provides better academic outcomes.In this way, we are able to recognize some of the advantages of establishing a quality relationship with teachers.

In general, social support has many advantages. With lower rates of anxiety and despair, more self esteem, have all assisted in creating closer relationships with people. Results from a study conducted over a long period of time showed that students who maintained strong connections with teachers throughout their academic journey experienced higher levels of self confidence that ultimately improved their academic achievements. Furthermore, this helped bridge the achievement gap. Supportive teachers can provide personalised attention and guidance, which can only be effective if the student receives it willingly. As a result, this strengthens their chances of overcoming obstacles and achieving their own goals.

The significance of student-teacher relationships in the school system cannot be understated. Positive connections between students and teachers will almost certainly influence mental health, well-being, and academic performance. It is imperative for educators to recognize the profound impact of these relationships and help adjust the learning environment to fit all students.


Dr. Catherine Vanner, et al. “The Importance of Student-Teacher Relationships.”, University of Windsor, Apr. 2022,,have%20cascading%20benefits%2C%202021). Accessed 15 Aug. 2023.

“Positive Teacher-Student Relationships Lead to Better Teaching – College of Education & Human Development.”, 7 Mar. 2022, Accessed 15 Aug. 2023.

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