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  • Avy Lee

The Negative Implications of Societal Gender Norms

Written by Avy Lee

Artwork by Yujin Suh

Societal gender norms have long played a significant role in shaping social expectations and behaviors. These norms often define the expected roles, characteristics, and behaviors associated with masculinity and femininity. However, while gender norms may serve as guidelines for societal conduct, they can also have detrimental effects on mental health. This essay aims to explore the negative implications of societal gender norms on mental well-being.

One of the primary consequences of gender norms is the restriction of emotional expression. Men are often expected to display stoicism, suppressing their emotions to conform to the masculine stereotype. Consequently, this suppression can lead to emotional isolation, internalized stress, and difficulties in forming meaningful connections with others. Men may find it challenging to express their authentic emotions, fearing that they will be judged or seen as weak. This emotional suppression can lead to a buildup of stress and contribute to the development of mental health issues such as anxiety and depression. Moreover, the inability to effectively communicate and share emotional experiences can strain relationships and exacerbate feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Similarly, women may also face negative consequences due to limited emotional expression. While women are often perceived as more emotional, their emotions are often stereotyped as being overly sensitive or irrational. This societal expectation can discourage women from expressing their true feelings or seeking support when needed. Women may feel pressure to constantly be cheerful and accommodating, suppressing negative emotions and internalizing their struggles. This can lead to a sense of emotional dissonance and the development of mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

Gender norms and their impact on emotional expression create a society in which individuals are denied the opportunity to fully understand and address their emotions. The suppression of emotions and the inability to seek support can have long-lasting negative effects on mental health, hindering personal growth and well-being.

Societal gender norms impose rigid expectations on individuals, influencing their behaviors, self-perception, and emotional expression. The limited range of acceptable emotions for both men and women can lead to significant negative implications for mental health. Emotional suppression, body image concerns, and stigmatization of mental health issues all contribute to the overall toll on individuals' well-being. Recognizing and challenging these gender norms is essential for promoting mental health and fostering a more inclusive and supportive society that values emotional authenticity, self-expression, and well-being for all individuals, regardless of gender.

Works Cited:

“Gender Roles in Society.” StudySmarter UK, Accessed 9 July 2023.

“Workplace Chores & Their Impact on Women of Colour - Make Equal.” Make Equal - Vi Gör Vad vi Heter, 6 Apr. 2023,

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