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  • Talin Tyvand

The Importance of Reading Books

Written by Talin Tyvand


Reading a book or body of literature on one's own time is highly underestimated in terms of importance. Reading allows individuals to expand their knowledge and understanding of the world around them and help them with perspectives from all around the world. It can also help to improve critical thinking skills.

Acknowledging this, we must understand that the pressure that is put on teenagers to read for school can negatively alter people's perceptions of pleasure reading. Students are required to read specific books for their classes and are often expected to analyze these texts in a certain way. This can make reading feel more like a chore rather than something to simply enjoy.

Additionally, only reading for academic purposes can lead to students feeling like they have to limit themselves to only reading books for class, rather than ones they would generally be interested in.

To combat this, picking up a book for your own pleasure every once in a while can be good for your mental health for several reasons. Reading for pleasure can be a great way to relax and can even have positive effects on mental health.

Firstly, reading can allow you to take a break from the stresses of daily life and immerse yourself in a different world. This has proven to be a great realtor and reduces stress and anxiety.

Secondly, reading can provide an opportunity for individuals to focus on their own growth. Reading can expose you to new ideas and can help to improve one’s self-awareness and emotional intelligence.

Thirdly, reading can also help to improve cognitive function and can be beneficial for brain health. It can help to improve focus, concentration, and memory, as well as to simply practice your interpreting and analyzing skills.

Lastly, reading can be a great way to relax in order to destress from the day. It can be a great way to relax and unwind before bed, helping people to have a better sleep.

In conclusion, picking up a book can be good for your mental health in many ways. If we could only turn around our perspective, by looking at reading as an amazing adventure rather than a nagging task, it will help improve our overall well-being.


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