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  • Ian Kim

Redefining Manhood in Today’s Society

Artwork by Alex Lee

In the areas of today’s society, discussions surrounding gender roles and expectations have taken center stage. One such critical topic is Toxic Masculinity, a term that includes a set of harmful behaviors and beliefs often associated with traditional notions of masculinity. In this article, we delve into the core of Toxic Masculinity, exploring its definition, manifestations, and the impact it has on individuals and society.Toxic Masculinity refers to a cultural framework that reinforces a narrow and harmful understanding of masculinity. It promotes stereotypes that dictate men should conform to a set of rigid expectations, such as dominance, emotional suppression, aggression, and a rejection of traits deemed ‘feminine.’ This mindset can manifest in various behaviors, perpetuating a toxic cycle that affects both men and those around them. (Morin, 2022)Manifestations (Cohen, 2022):

  1. Emotional Repression: Toxic Masculinity discourages the expression of emotions other than anger. Men may feel pressured to suppress vulnerability or sadness, leading to mental health issues.

  2. Aggression and Dominance: The toxic narrative often glorifies aggression and dominance, creating an environment where conflicts are resolved through force, reinforcing harmful power dynamics.

  3. Homophobia and Transphobia: Toxic Masculinity fosters a hostile attitude towards those who deviate from traditional gender norms, contributing to discrimination against the LGBTQ+ community.

  4. Objectification of Women: The objectification of women as mere accessories or conquests is another manifestation, perpetuating harmful stereotypes and contributing to a culture of sexism.

Effects (IHSA):

  1. Mental Health Struggles: Men adhering to toxic norms may experience mental health issues due to suppressed emotions and societal pressure to conform.

  2. Strained Relationships: Toxic Masculinity can strain relationships, as the emphasis on dominance and control may hinder authentic emotional connections. 

  3. Perpetuation of Gender Inequality: The reinforcement of rigid gender roles contributes to the perpetuation of gender inequality, limiting opportunities for both men and women. 

Addressing Toxic Masculinity in Today’s Society:

  1. Encourage Emotional Expression: Society should encourage men to embrace and express a wide range of emotions, fostering emotional intelligence and resilience.

  2. Promote Positive Role Models: Highlight positive male role models who embody healthy masculinity, challenge traditional stereotypes, and inspire change. 

  3. Education and Awareness: Promote education and awareness campaigns that challenge toxic norms, fostering a culture that rejects harmful stereotypes.

  4. Create Safe Spaces: Establish safe spaces for men to discuss their experiences, challenges, and emotions without judgment, fostering a supportive community. 

Toxic Masculinity is a pervasive issue that requires a collective effort to dismantle. By challenging outdated norms, promoting positive role models, and fostering open conversations, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and emotionally intelligent society. The journey towards redefining masculinity begins with acknowledging the harm caused by toxic ideals and actively working towards a more compassionate and equitable future. 

Works Cited

Cohen, Rajal. “In what ways does toxic masculinity manifest in today's society?” Quora, 29 August 2022, Accessed 15 December 2023.

IHSA. “Toxic masculinity.” IHSA, Accessed 15 December 2023.

Morin, Amy. “Toxic Masculinity: Definition and Examples.” Verywell Mind, 14 November 2022, Accessed 15 December 2023.

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