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  • Jina MacNeill

Miscommunication of Situationships

Situationships, the state of being together, but not really, have become Generation Z’s replacement for a real relationship. The toxicity of a situationship however, can be defined by how the situationship goes by. Whether you’re just “talking” or both interested in each other, a situationship allows for flexibility because it isn’t a labelled relationship. Which is why, it is so common nowadays to label a relationship as a situationship to get away without the strong chains relationships hold. However, situationships can be an extremely toxic environment due to the lack of communication there is within the two partners, as there is never such talk of “what are we”. 

One of the most significant issues with situationships is the ambiguity that surrounds them. Due to the absence of open and honest communication, there are so many unclear expectations and opportunities for misunderstandings to occur.  As there is a lack of defined commitment in situationships, the miscommunication can easily foster a function for insecurity and jealousy. This constant wondering of, “will we ever be together” can easily intensify to overthinking with the lack of communication found in situationships. 

Another issue is the stagnation of situationships. Oftentimes, it lacks progression because there is no discussion of the future, nor the nature of the relationship. This can lead to a sense of being stuck and frustrated, which overall can be detrimental to one’s happiness. All aspects may lead to multiple opportunities for individuals' growth in themselves to be stunted as a situationship can take a major toll on their mental and emotional well-being. 

Ultimately, healthy communication is the foundation for any successful relationship, whether it’s traditional commitment based, or a flexible situationship. In the end, it is key to understand each other’s needs to maintain a healthy relationship. 


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