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Manifestations and Affirmations: How to Create your Dream Reality

Updated: Oct 24, 2023

If you’ve been a regular user of social media in recent years, you may have come across the term “manifesting” quite often, whether in a comedic or informative context. Over the past few years, general knowledge of self-improvement and awareness of our mental health has relatively increased thanks to social media, so it comes as no surprise that terms such as manifesting have become quite well-known amongst young people. Similarly, the practice of repeating affirmations has become widespread on platforms such as youtube thanks to many celebrities, influencers and mental health professionals that recommend it to their audience. But are these practices really as life-changing as many have claimed they are?


Manifesting is a concept that has recently become prevalent in TikTok, with many people claiming that they have “manifested their dream life” or something they have always wished for. A reasonable explanation for this trend is the covid-19 pandemic, which forced us into passivity at home during lockdown. Many people spent more time alone and therefore looked to find any solutions that were possible. Manifesting seems to tick all the boxes, as its simplicity relies only on making your desires come true. Of course, you must also take action for them to become reality, as manifesting clear and specific goals serve as a way to understand how you can achieve them.

Although there is no scientifically proven explanation for it, many people believe that manifestation is based on the law of attraction, which states that your thoughts and beliefs, whether positive or negative, can influence your reality. A great way to visualise this is using optimistic and pessimistic people, whose different thoughts or reactions to certain situations determine their mood or mental well-being. An optimist may be in a difficult situation and still push through because they believe they can succeed, while a pessimist may not see the point in continuing and therefore give up.


Have you ever been minutes away from taking an important test or interview, and repeating to yourself in your mind: “I can do this” or “Everything is going to be fine”? If so, that was an affirmation! Any statement or sentence that you repeat to maintain your mental well-being, keep you optimistic and motivate you. Some of the more popular affirmations are short but memorable, such as Michelle Obama’s “Am I enough? Yes I am.”, but there are no limitations. Your affirmation can be anything meaningful to you!

The science behind affirmations and how it works is due to the brain’s neuroplasticity, which allows us to form new patterns and habits similar to muscle memory. As you repeat your affirmation over some time, the positive message can help brighten your mood or motivate you as you start to believe them. Affirmations can therefore become a habit that improves mental health whenever it is repeated.

The differences

Simply put, manifestations are the act of bringing your desires into reality, whereas affirmations are positive statements and beliefs more focused on motivating and empowering you.

Let’s say you are about to have an important interview for a position that you desperately need. Some affirmations you may use could be “I am confident in myself and my abilities” or “I’m ready to impress everyone with my skills”, which you would repeat to calm yourself and motivate you in such a stressful situation. On the other hand, to manifest your desire to get this job, you may start by visualising the interview going extremely well, which leads to you receiving the job offer. With this, you’ll then be able to figure out strategies or prepare some answers to common questions, to work towards a successful interview.

When used together, manifestations and affirmations can be great tools for getting through difficult situations in life, promoting positivity and a healthy mindset for facing challenges. However, something to note is that they are not the passive practices many people on social media believe they are. Instead of solely relying on these methods in every situation, it is important to also make an effort at achieving your dream life as well.

How do I start?

To start manifesting, you’ll first need to have an understanding of your goal. You could start with smaller and easily achievable ones, and slowly work your way up. Make sure that they are specific, clear, and within the bounds of reason.

A huge misconception about manifesting is that it can be done in sessions similar to meditation, thanks to TikTok. In truth, manifesting is an active commitment that can be supported by exercises and other elements in your life. For example, you could start the day with some breathwork and routine visualisations to remind you of your goals. As with most habits, consistency is key!

However, this is not an overnight process, and it will take time and effort from your side as well. It is important to keep an open mind and believe in the process, to not close yourself off from any opportunities that can arise as a result of your manifesting.

Affirmations are relatively simpler to get started on than manifestations, but the effort required is still the same! Start by choosing a statement or phrase that resonates with you and makes you feel empowered. This should also be something that you can believe in, even if you lose faith in it sometimes. These can easily be found online and tweaked to fit your purposes, or you could make one yourself!

Now, you can start repeating your affirmation at any time. One of the most common times is every morning when you wake up for motivation, or at night before you go to bed to feel relaxed. And you’re all set! Keep in mind that consistency is key- regularly repeat your affirmation like a habit to help your brain form and strengthen the connections to help you whenever you need a boost for your day!


O’Malley, K. (2023, June 20). How To Manifest: A Guide To Willing Your Goals Into Existence In 2023. ELLE.

Chatterjee, A. (2023, February 22). Manifestation Vs Affirmation: Which One Is Better For You?

Chrisel, S. (2022, April 6). Powerful Affirmations Celebs Practice (& You Should Too).

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