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  • Lauren Xiong

Lowering Anxiety through Drinking Water

I’m sure we’ve all heard that little science joke:


Two scientists walk into a bar and the first one says “I’d like to have a glass of H2O” (although why he/she’d order water at a bar is beyond me). The second goes “I’d like to have a glass of H2O too!” The next day, they’re at the emergency room with hydrogen peroxide poisoning.


Now there might be many lessons to be learnt from this near-fatal encounter (poor scientist two): hydrogen peroxide is toxic, molecular formulas aren’t suited to common use, always note the local emergency number … But there is one I’d like to focus on, and that is the importance of drinking water.


We are often told that we must drink water for the obvious reasons: for metabolism, digestion, all in all simply allowing our bodies to function. However, it’s also important for our minds. In a 2018 study of 3327 adults, those who drank more water were less prone to anxiety and depression than those who drank less. This can be traced back to the physical effects of dehydration: interference with the neurotransmitters that regulate emotions, and lethargy and dizziness which cause agitation and confusion.


BUT, to further substantiate the results of hydration, let’s look at its effects on test scores. Drinking water during an exam showed a 4.8% increase in test scores and drinking water before a memory test allowed test subjects to attain scores up to a third higher than other participants. Amazing huh? Maybe next time you revise for a test, you could have a cup of water too.


As I am drinking my cup of water now, I advise you too to pick up a bottle and take some sips (or gulps). To get into the habit of drinking regularly you might want to:

-    Tie it to a routine thing you already have to or want to do. For example, with each meal, after going to the bathroom, every time you change class, or every time your crush comes by.

-    Get a water bottle. Always have the option of drinking water with you! Whenever you feel like it, take a gulp.

-    Experiment.  Maybe water by itself is too plain … but what about lemony or minty water?


All in all, we’ve now seen the great benefits a small habit of drinking water could bring to our mental health. I’ve got to go fill my water bottle now (and so should you).

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