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  • Alvin Chen

Interview with Dr. Melissa Steach

Transcribed by: Wenyang (Alvin) Chen


As an artist, author and public speaker with a PhD in Industrial and Organizational psychology, Dr. Steach works on raising awareness about the significance of workplace well-being. Check out her website at:

The importance of well-being

Not to be confused with wellness. “Oh, we have a wellness room.” “We give you money for a gym membership.” Dr. Steach believes that one of the silver linings of the pandemic is that it allowed people to realize the importance of well-being and life balance. In terms of one’s workplace, the lack of motivation for employees to work during the pandemic has emphasized the concept of uplifting people in the workplace. Employers now understand the concept of putting human beings first, whilst employees have begun to demand employers for better working conditions.

Building productive personal habits

Your job consumes your life. Do work that satisfies you. Dr. Steach informs us of the importance of setting standards for yourself to ensure you lead a productive and happy life. More importantly, she suggests the significance of organizing your day to produce a sense of routine. To achieve this, many productive people have an “anchor” - something that they do everyday that ensures they are following a schedule.

The way you speak to yourself

If there are thoughts you are thinking that you wouldn't say to someone whom you love the most, a best friend, or sibling - why would you say that to yourself? Dr. Steach emphasized the importance of practicing kindness and good manners to yourselves. Oftentimes, you only have so much energy to be kind to others, you don’t use that energy on yourself. You matter. If you’re not replenishing yourself with positive energy, or some form of support, then what do you have to give?

Sometimes life sucks

Awful things happen. You’re feeling a little sorry for yourself. You have good reason to be sad. Dr. Steach believes that whilst everyone has bad days, it is essential to spread kindness to others during those grieving stages. By spreading kindness, you will take one step towards becoming happier!

Managing your well-being

Having gone to art school my entire life, being a painter, a writer - when I lock in, I could work for hours without moving - and it’s not good. Regardless of whether you are a student or a worker, whether you are drawing or writing essays, Dr. Steach maintains a strong belief about taking a break and remaining physically active. Workout. Take a walk. Get some sleep. It doesn’t have to be all or nothing.

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