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  • Hannah Tomes

Hello, COVID. Long Time No See.

Artwork by June Kim

Reflecting back to the start of the pandemic (December 2019), how old were you? And how old are you now? This pandemic has impacted us for a minimal part of our lives, but it’s the lasting effects that remain. With being confined at home during lockdown and adapting to online learning and work, we gained bad habits such as extended screen time and lack of physical activity. These seemingly solvable problems snowball into other greater long-term consequences such as stress and anxiety, especially for children who need to gain social skills but couldn’t do this due to social distancing or lockdown. There is a term on social media under “pandemic baby” where babies (now at the ages 2-3) are behind on social communication or are glued to their devices 24/7. This is taken as light hearted and laughed about but this could apply some serious long-term effects on children. Socializing is a critical skill for developing children and this skill is with them for the rest of their lives. 

Not only affecting children but also everyone in the world. There is a never ending list of things COVID has done to us including economic and social changes. It is important to be aware that COVID is still around till this day, and is still infecting thousands of people each day. To protect yourselves from the virus, there are a few safety measures you can take. 

  1. Staying up to date with your vaccinations

This protects yourself from contracting the virus as it teaches your body to fend off any germs and prevents the spread of it to others.

  1. Getting tested whenever you are sick or show clear symptoms of COVID

Even though it’s minor, COVID is still a virus and can spread from person to person very quickly, making them sick as well.

  1. Washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your face

We contract germs from what we touch. Touching your phone before you eat can transfer the germs on your screen onto your food and make you sick. Pretty gross, right?

  1. Wearing a high-quality mask when sick

This can protect you from any cold air and blocks the germs when you cough, sneeze, or talk from others.

  1. Keeping distance from sick people or wearing a mask when near them

These actions are required to keep yourself and your community safe. By doing these simple actions, we can decrease the spread of this virus and protect others from being sick. Let's be real, no one likes being sick. Stay safe, everyone!

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