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  • Yeonjae Kim

Happiness Is Not That Far Away

Updated: Oct 15, 2023

Artwork by Megan Chung

From the perspective of an adult, such as a teacher or parent, making a teenage student happy may be the hardest thing. Due to factors such as puberty and stress, the relationships between the student and the people around them start to change. However, giving students a chance to feel at least a slight amount of happiness is relatively simple.

Happiness is vital for students to maintain a healthy and well-balanced lifestyle. Without it, stress and pressure will become overwhelming and schoolwork will eventually become too hard to manage. The biggest thing that will make a student happy, is when they accomplish their educational goals such as going to a good university or getting a good grade. However, making that happen is not something that is easily done. But, there are steps that can be taken in order to accomplish this. The biggest thing that can be done is giving compliments. Even though words such as “Your work was excellent!” or “Keep up the good work,” don’t seem like much, they actually leave a big impact on the student. They continue to think about how their work is being appreciated, and they become more motivated to work harder.

Another key to making a student happy is balancing learning and fun. Studies show that those who engage in fun activities while learning actually learn more and while relieving their stress in the process. For example, activities such as scavenger hunts or team quizzes actually help students to engage in learning while having an enjoyable time. Additionally, encouraging students to play sports or do interesting hobbies is a key factor in achieving happiness. One of my friends even pointed out that the only time they are truly happy is when they are playing volleyball, which shows that she is able to forget about her school work and relax, even though it is only for an hour or two.

When a student is happy, it not only benefits the individuals but also the people around them such as their family and friends. Although keeping a student happy for the entirety of their education is impossible, small moments of joy will eventually add up to be a pleasant memory for them. It really only takes a second or two to make someone happy, so try it.

Works Cited

Bauld, Andrew. “Happy Students Are Motivated Students | Harvard Graduate School of Education.” Harvard Graduate School of Education, Accessed 10 July 2023.

P'Rayan, Albert. “What makes a happy student?” The Hindu, 27 March 2022, Accessed 10 July 2023.

“7 Tips on How to Achieve a Happy Classroom.” INcompassing Education, 27 March 2023, Accessed 10 July 2023.

“Why Fun in Learning Works Better Than Dull Learning.” Growth Engineering, 14 March 2023, Accessed 10 July 2023.

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