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  • Crystal Gong

Dopatime detox: How to reset your mind for productivity

Written by: Crystal Gong


Artwork by Aaron Mun


In this modern digital age where everyone is seemingly shackled to their device, a new phenomenon dubbed as a ‘dopamine detox’ has arisen, whereby an individual would avoid dopamine triggers for a set period of time. This could entail avoiding social media, TV shows, music, and any other short-term triggers for dopamine release, anywhere from a few hours to several days. A dopamine detox can allow for individuals barred by device-induced procrastination and lethargy to escape the clutches of instant gratification and develop a more productive lifestyle.

What is a dopamine detox?

The term ‘dopamine detox’ has been making its rounds across social media in the recent couple of years – namely through the popular platforms TikTok, where the hashtag #dopaminedetox currently has almost 20 million views.

Dopamine, commonly referred to as the ‘feel-good hormone’ of the human body, is released every time you feel a ‘rush’ of excitement. Though dubbed a ‘detox’, the practice itself is not a literal detox; rather, it means taking a break from certain habits known to trigger the dopamine reward system in your brain, such as scrolling mindlessly through posts online.

While dopamine itself is not an issue, modern-day social media tactics have induced a reliance on certain dopamine-producing habits. The essence of this is the issue; you may find yourself delving deeper into a downwards spiral, even before you know it. If you find yourself constantly reaching for your phone, listening to podcasts in the background, or endlessly scrolling through social media on a regular basis, you may want to consider trying a dopamine detox.

How to do a dopamine detox

A dopamine detox is fairly simple and straightforward three-step process:

1. Identify what spikes your dopamine response.

Zero in on areas of your life that make you feel burnt out or exhausted, as well as those that give you a quick ‘thrill’. Either, or even both, of these could encompass online shopping, social media, public forums, video games, getting into arguments in comment section, movies, podcasts, music, and so much more.

2. Limit its influence on your life.

Choose a couple, or even everything identified, and abstain from these for a period of time. Cut back on your usage for enough time for you to feel like you are no longer shackled to it, and you have regained some essence of control over this aspect of your life. Whether you choose to abstain for hours, days, or even weeks is entirely up to how you feel, and what you feel like is enough. Use this time to check in with yourself and find out why you crave these hits of dopamine. Who knows? You might even find out something new about yourself!

3. Replace the chaos with mindfulness.

Going through a dopamine detox will no doubt be a difficult journey, which is why it is important to replace the time you would normally spend doing these activities with more mindful, centering, ones. For example, morning yoga instead of scrolling through Instagram, reading hardcopy books before bed instead of watching Netflix, or going for a walk instead of tuning into your Podcasts.

Benefits of a dopamine detox

When all is said and done, the benefits associated with going through a dopamine detox are innumerable, but below are several important ones:

1. Reduced overstimulation.

Although it may feel good to be on your phone, it is often the moment we put down our phones when we realize just how stressed we actually feel. The constant input of compulsive activities is often far too overstimulating, and a dopamine detox can help us feel less overwhelmed.

2. Boosting creativity and productivity.

If you’re suffering from a dip in productivity or struggling with lack of creativity (I know I am with my college essays…), then a dopamine detox may be just what you need. A period of silence and even boredom can help you tap back into your creative intuition, as it removes mental static and distractions. It makes room for more thoughts, sensations, and ideas, rather than facilitating distractions.

3. Preventing burnout.

We as humans always have a certain mentality of going for more, causing our bodies to go into overdrive and easily frying our nervous systems. Taking a break from your daily go-to dopamine-spiking activities, from watching TV to online shopping, can serve as an enjoyable reset for your mind and body.

4. Making slow activities fun again.

Activities that were long forgotten in your childhood after the introduction of technology may return to your daily life. You may not have been able to read even half of a hardcopy book before picking up your phone before a detox, but after, you may find yourself actively enjoying having your nose in a book. New neural networks will literally be built by practicing a slower habit, such as reading a book, taking a book, or simple just focusing on one activity at a time.

5. Reclaiming autonomy.

The end goal of a dopamine detox is never to give up everything you have ever loved, but rather to see how your go-to habits impact you. A dopamine detox can help you feel much more in control of all your dopamine ‘cravings’. Rather than feeling like you need to watch another episode of Stranger Things before bed, it will become more of a choice. The same can be said for any other activities that stimulate dopamine production in the brain.

All in all, taking a break every once in a while from your phone and other devices is something more beneficial than most people will ever know. While the rest of the world is glued to their device, shackled to social networks, it will do you a lot of good to take a step back from all that and appreciate life at a slower pace. A dopamine detox is something that can be extremely enriching, so why not give it a shot?


Adam Wright. 27 Jun 2022. “How to do Dopamine Detox the Right Way”,

Carolyn Steber. 5 Aug 2022. “How a “Dopamine Detox” Can Boost Your Productivity”,

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