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  • Junseo Lee

Closing Instagram, Only to Open It Again

Do you ever close Instagram, only to open it again immediately after? At first glance, this phenomenon seems to represent something mundane and harmless; however, I believe this very emotion conveys a deeper meaning. I believe that the action of reopening Instagram conveys the fear of being alone with our thoughts and our overdependence on escapism. Continuation of escaping into the recursive nihility of mesmerised scrolling on social media will only cause more harm.

` Sometimes, everything is too much. When we try to study, our brain weighs whether everything is worth the time and effort. When we’re in class, words spoken by our teachers are overridden by agonising pain ticking in our head. Even when we try to sleep, the internal dialogue, the voice in our brain, enumerates every problem we have and every wrong decision made in the past. And so, we resort to what we always do. we proceed to find our phone. With TikTok, YouTube, and Instagram, our brain finally goes silent. We are able to shut down any fear, anxiety, and moment of discomfort by transferring our minds into a phone. Social media feels like a reality of its own, separate from the real world; yet, its use feels flawless in totality.

To be alone with ourselves, with our own minds, is torture; however, without coming to accept ourselves to reality, without informing ourselves of the cruel encounters we make daily, content consumption is going to be the only reality that we have left. Everything we do in real life, and any action we take, will be for the sole purpose of delving into the realms of social media.

The irony of reading this blog is that it serves as just another action 99% of people will be doing before moving onto the next thing. That you will forget most of the things we've learned and move on. However, I urge you to at least consider the damage to your mental health, everytime you escape.

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