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Founder's Letter - David Mun

During my late middle school and early high school years, I moved between many countries, cultures, and environments.


I tried my best to keep up with the new changes, balancing the workloads and finding a place in my new schools, but it was hard since they taught in languages that I was not familiar with. For months, I sacrificed sleep to catch up on the class material, but it was almost impossible, as most of the words in my textbooks were unfamiliar to me.


As a result, when summer break hit, the effects of insufficient sleep, food, and care all caught up to me, and I found myself withdrawing from the rest of the world. During this time, I shut strangers, friends, and even family out. All I had was the small square of my bedroom, a laptop, and myself.


During this reclusive period, I spent most of my time mindlessly scrolling through social media, losing sleep, and feeling devastated. I then stumbled across a blog post about self-improvement. At the time, I had nearly given up on building myself back up, but the post reminded me to start again. I realized self-improvement was an option, and this pushed me to truly reflect on my situation and motivated me to start getting better.


The reason I started this blog is to motivate people to better themselves. Even if it’s just one individual, I hope that they are inspired by our website to pick themselves back up and take a few steps forward, as that blog post did for me.


Take care of yourself!


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