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The Voice in My Brain is a student-run blog that allows young writers to publish their works related to self-improvement and mental health.


Our team consists of international members, with branches in Seoul, Korea; Shanghai, China; Suzhou, China; California, U.S.


With a word count of 350-1000, these essays can consist of numerous ideas, ranging from difficult psychological concepts all the way to personal experiences. Although many psychological concepts may seem challenging, we hope that the overarching themes of self-improvement and mental health will help simplify these concepts, appealing to a universal experience.

Our intended audience ranges from general readers who are passionate about the ideas of self-improvement and mental health, students who take psychology courses, to expert psychologists.


Our mission is to provide a platform for written blogs that inspire readers to reflect upon themselves and improve their mental health; we achieve this through submissions, edits, and publication. Despite the voice in our heads constantly telling us to improve, many of us are reluctant to take action. Thus, we hope that our blogs will inspire you to learn, reflect and enact self-growth in your daily lives, allowing you to become a better person than you were before.


If you are having trouble accessing one of our essays or have any general queries or comments, please do not hesitate to contact us at


Our team will try to get back to you promptly.

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